Children's Author
Hi I’m Ali, I’m a children’s author who loves scruffy dogs, profiteroles, and unexpected adventures. Originally from the UK, I am happily settled in sunny Brisbane with my partner, three noisy sons and our friendly, backyard chickens. My background is in Zoology, and I always like to have an animal or two in my stories if possible. Most of my writing happens in my head while I am out and about walking or cycling, and my story ideas are often sparked by funny conversations with my family. When I’m not writing, working as a genetic counsellor, or wrangling children, I love to tap dance, kayak down local creeks and go for relaxing bush walks, spotting wildlife.
1. I have three pet chickens who we hatched from eggs. They all answer to the name ‘Pingu’ which is the name of my favourite chicken (I know you’re not meant to have favourites, but I do).
2. My house is usually very messy and therefore I spend a lot of time looking for things, like keys and jumpers. Sometimes, they never get found.
3. I have a phobia of cockroaches. My first attempt at writing a picture book was about a friendly cockroach called Clara.
4. I am learning the bass guitar. I hope one day to be allowed to join the family band.
5. My dream is to live next to the ocean and swim every morning. But I dislike getting sand in my bed, which I think would happen if I had a house by the ocean.